Thursday, October 10, 2013

The other day I had a delicious tomato and drumstick soup at my friend, Mala's home. I liked it so much that I asked her for the recipe and promptly tried it out the next day. It turned out just as good as Mala's and is one of the simplest recipes that I have come across. So here I am sharing it with you -

Tomato & Drumstick Soup

Ingredients :-
  1. 4-5 red and firm tomatoes
  2. 2-3 drumsticks
  3. 2-3 cups of water
  4. salt and pepper to taste
  5. few Coriander leaves finely chopped, for garnish (optional)

Procedure :-

Wash and scrape drumsticks and cut into large pieces, about 3 inches in height. Cut tomatoes into big pieces. Put chopped tomatoes and drumsticks in a pressure cooker, add water and pressure cook for two whistles. 

When cool, open cooker, scrape out the pulp of the drumsticks and put back into the cooker and throw away the skins. Now put the cooked tomatoes and drumsticks pulp in a blender and blend till smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste. 

If you find the soup too thick, dilute with a little hot water. 

Serve hot, either by itself or with garlic toast or croutons.